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About Us

Our Mission

TwoNineteen, also known as 219, is all about making the world a more innovative place. We think the status quo needs to know its race is run by constantly pushing the boundaries to find new and better ways to do things. Our brand is built on a foundation of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, and we aim to inspire others to embrace these values. With a lot planned for the future, you will want to stay tuned... But no promises! After all, we have absolutely no money whatsoever.

Company History

TwoNineteen was created April 1st, 2023, which is the day that I, the founder, turned 14. (Yes, I'm an April Fool). At the time, it was called Ex:V Studios. You'll know why if you read the video game history part. Eventually, we changed to 219 Games. Which you'd also know why if you read the video game history part! 219 Games stuck for a pretty long time. Around the start of 2024 was when the name "TwoNineteen" came to be, and 219 Games was a sub-section of 219. Along with 219 Studios, which was for Soba games. Eventually, they all merged into 219, which is where we sit today.

Product History

TwoNinteen originally started out as a Roblox game studio. We had one game known as Experiment: Virtuality (Ex:V). This game is what sparked this brand to begin with. Canonically, Experiment: Virtuality was also known as Experiment 219, which gave us our brand name. After Ex:V had failed, we moved to a new game, The Great Escape. That also failed. It also NEVER HAPPENED. There was also a point where we made games on Soba, but it unfortunate shut down in August, 2024. Now, we're back to working on Roblox, because I can't learn when to quit!

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